Source code for catcher_modules.database.sqlite

from catcher.steps.external_step import ExternalStep
from catcher.steps.step import update_variables

from catcher_modules.database import SqlAlchemyDb

[docs]class SQLite(ExternalStep, SqlAlchemyDb): """ Allows you to create `SQLite <>`_ database on your local filesystem and work with it. **Important** - for relative path use one slash `/`. For absolute slash - two `//`. :Input: :conf: sqlite path string. Dialect is not mandatory. **Required**. :query: query to run. **Deprecated since 5.2** :sql: query or sql file from resources to run. **Required** :Examples: Select all from test, use relative path :: sqlite: request: conf: '/foo.db' sql: 'select count(*) as count from test' register: {documents: '{{ OUTPUT }}'} **Note** that we alias count. For some reason sqlalchemy for sqlite will return `count(*)` as a column name instead of `count`. Insert into test, using string absolute path (with 2 slashes) :: sqlite: request: conf: '//absolute/path/to/foo.db' sql: 'insert into test(id, num) values(3, 3);' """ @property def dialect(self) -> str: return "sqlite" @update_variables def action(self, includes: dict, variables: dict) -> any: body = self.simple_input(variables) return variables, self.execute(body, variables)