
Configure connections

catcher_modules.pipeline.airflow() step allows you to configure airflow connections based on your inventory. To do this you need to specify populate_connections and fernet_key in airflow step configuration:

      - airflow:
              db_conf: '{{ airflow_db }}'
              url: '{{ airflow_web }}'
              populate_connections: true
              fernet_key: '{{ airflow_fernet }}'
            dag_id: '{{ pipeline }}'
            sync: true
            wait_timeout: 150
          name: 'Trigger pipeline {{ pipeline }}'
For every connection from the inventory having type parameter catcher will try to create the connection with the same name in Airflow, if it does not already exists.

Then in your inventory you can have:

  url: 'postgresql://postgres:postgres@custom_postgres_1:5432/postgres'
  type: 'postgres'
  url: 'airflow:airflow@postgres:5432/airflow'
  type: 'postgres'
  url: 'http://webserver:8080'
  type: 'http'
airflow_fernet: 'zp8kV516l9tKzqq9pJ2Y6cXbM3bgEWIapGwzQs6jio4='
    url: http://minio:9000
    key_id: minio
    secret_key: minio123
    type: 'aws'

type parameter should be the same as Airflow’s Conn Type field.

And in your pipeline:

postgres_conn_id = 'psql_conf'
mysql_conn_id = 'mysql_conf'
aws_conn_id = 's3_config'

def my_step():
    psql_hook = PostgresHook(postgres_conn_id=postgres_conn_id)
You can check Admin -> Connections for newly created connections. Catcher will create psql_conf, s3_config and airflow_web. Airflow_db is skipped, as it was already created before and airflow_fernet is not a connection.
You can safely use these connections in your pipeline.


If you specify extra field in your inventory - it will be populated to airflow. If there is no extra field, but it is needed (f.e. for aws field) it will be computed based on the configuration.


    url: http://minio:9000
    key_id: minio
    secret_key: minio123
    type: 'aws'

Will have these extra json:

    'host': s3_config.get('url'),
    'aws_access_key_id': s3_config.get('key_id'),
    'aws_secret_access_key': s3_config.get('secret_key'),
    'region_name': s3_config.get('region')

Alternatively you can set up extra yourself:

    type: 'aws'
    extra: '{"host": "http://minio:9000","aws_access_key_id":"minio","aws_secret_access_key":"minio123"}'

Although in this case it will be valid for Airflow population only. catcher_modules.service.s3() step won’t be able to use such configuration.

Catcher will encrypt extra automatically.

Docker usage

If you run your airflow in docker-compose locally with all the dependencies available via localhost:<docker_forwarded_port> you probably use local inventory for Catcher with something like
    url: 'postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/postgres'
    type: 'postgres'
If you ask Catcher to initialize Airflow’s connections based on your local inventory - it will create connection with localhost host, which won’t work in docker, as localhost will point within the container, but not the host.
Workaround for it is to run Catcher in docker within the same network as your Airflow and have another inventory which will point to containers
    url: 'postgresql://postgres:postgres@custom_postgres_1:5432/postgres'
    type: 'postgres'


  • make sure you specify inventory to run
  • make sure you set proper fernet key
  • make sure you set populate_connections: true and proper connection type
  • make sure connections with same names do not exist in airflow