Source code for catcher_modules.service.elastic

from catcher.steps.external_step import ExternalStep
from catcher.steps.step import Step, update_variables

[docs]class Elastic(ExternalStep): """ Allows you to get data from `Elasticsearch <>`_. Useful, when your services push their logs there and you need to check the logs automatically from the test. :Input: :search: search elastic - url: RFC-1738 compatible (can contain user credentials) server url. - index: ES index (database). - query: your query to run. - <other param>: you can add any param here (see Search with limiting fields for an example) :refresh: Trigger a refresh for an index. - url: RFC-1738 compatible (can contain user credentials) server url. - index: ES index (database). :Examples: Search with limiting fields :: elastic: search: url: '' index: test query: match: {payload : "three"} _source: ['name'] register: {docs: '{{ OUTPUT }}'} Connect to multiple ES instances. One simple and one secured :: elastic: search: url: - '' - 'https://{{ user }}:{{ secret }}@{{ host2 }}:443' index: test query: {match_all: {}} Refresh index :: elastic: refresh: url: '' index: test In bool query `must` and `should` are lists :: elastic: search: url: '' index: test query: bool: must: - term: {shape: "round"} - bool: should: - term: {color: "red"} - term: {color": "blue"} """ @update_variables def action(self, includes: dict, variables: dict) -> any: from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch body = self.simple_input(variables) method = Step.filter_predefined_keys(body) # search/refresh conf = body[method] index = conf['index'] url = conf['url'] if isinstance(url, str): url = [url] es = Elasticsearch(url) if method == 'search': return variables, self._search(es, index, conf) elif method == 'refresh': return variables, self._refresh(es, index) else: raise AttributeError('unknown method: ' + method) def _search(self, es, index, conf): query = dict([(key, value) for key, value in conf.items() if key != 'index' and key != 'url']) res =, query) return [hit['_source'] for hit in res['hits']['hits']] def _refresh(self, es, index): return es.indices.refresh(index)