Source code for

from catcher.steps.external_step import ExternalStep
from catcher.steps.step import Step, update_variables
from catcher.utils.logger import warning
from catcher.utils.misc import try_get_object, fill_template_str, try_get_objects, fill_template
import ssl

from import MqStepMixin

[docs]class Rabbit(ExternalStep, MqStepMixin): """ Allows you to consume/produce messages from/to `RabbitMQ <>`_ :Input: :config: rabbitmq config object, used in other rabbitmq commands. - server: is the rabbit host, <rabbit-host:rabbit-port> - username: is the username - password: is the password - virtualhost: virtualhost *Optional* defaults to "/" - sslOptions: {'ssl_version': 'PROTOCOL_TLSv1, PROTOCOL_TLSv1_1 or PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2', 'ca_certs': '/path/to/ca_cert', 'keyfile': '/path/to/key', 'certfile': '/path/to/cert'. 'cert_reqs': 'CERT_NONE, CERT_OPTIONAL or CERT_REQUIRED'} Optional object to be used only when ssl is required. If an empty object is passed ssl_version defaults to PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2 and cert_reqs defaults to CERT_NONE - disconnect_timeout: number of seconds to wait for a disconnect before force closing the connection. Warning! Publish may fail if you use to small timeout value. :consume: Consume message from rabbit. - config: rabbitmq config object - queue: the name of the queue to consume from :publish: Publish message to rabbit exchange. - config: rabbitmq config object - exchange: exchange to publish message - routing_key: routing key - headers: headers json *Optional* - data: data to be produced - data_from_file: data to be published. File can be used as data source. *Optional* Either `data` or `data_from_file` should present. :Examples: Read message :: variables: rabbitmq_config: server: username: 'guest' password: 'guest' steps: - rabbit: consume: config: '{{ rabbitmq_config }}'' queue: 'test.catcher.queue' Publish `data` variable as message :: variables: rabbitmq_config: server: sslOptions: {'ssl_version': 'PROTOCOL_TLSv1, PROTOCOL_TLSv1_1 or PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2', 'ca_certs': '/path/to/ca_cert', 'keyfile': '/path/to/key', 'certfile': '/path/to/cert'. 'cert_reqs': 'CERT_NONE, CERT_OPTIONAL or CERT_REQUIRED'} username: 'guest' password: 'guest' steps: - rabbit: publish: config: '{{ rabbitmq_config }}'' exchange: '' routing_key: 'catcher.routing.key' headers: {'test.header.1': 'header1', 'test.header.2': 'header1'} data: '{{ data|tojson }}' Publish `data_from_file` variable as json message :: variables: rabbitmq_config: server: username: 'guest' password: 'guest' steps: - rabbit: publish: config: '{{ rabbitmq_config }}'' exchange: '' routing_key: 'catcher.routing.key' data_from_file: '{{ /path/to/file }}' """ def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) method = Step.filter_predefined_keys(kwargs) # publish/consume self.method = method.lower() conf = kwargs[method] self.config = conf['config'] self.headers = conf.get('headers', {}) self.message = None if self.method != 'consume': = conf['exchange'] self.routing_key = conf['routing_key'] self.message = conf.get('data', None) self.file = None if self.message is None: self.file = conf['data_from_file'] else: self.queue = conf['queue'] @update_variables def action(self, includes: dict, variables: dict) -> any: # if virtual host is not specified default it to / config = try_get_objects(fill_template_str(self.config, variables)) if config.get('virtualhost') is None: config['virtualhost'] = '' disconnect_timeout = int(config.get('disconnect_timeout', 10)) # 10 sec for connection closed exception connection_parameters = self._get_connection_parameters(config) if self.method == 'publish': message = self.form_body(self.message, self.file, variables) return variables, self.publish(connection_parameters, fill_template_str(, variables), fill_template_str(self.routing_key, variables), fill_template(self.headers, variables), message, disconnect_timeout) elif self.method == 'consume': return variables, self.consume(connection_parameters, fill_template_str(self.queue, variables), disconnect_timeout) else: raise AttributeError('unknown method: ' + self.method) @staticmethod def publish(connection_parameters, exchange, routing_key, headers, message, disconnect_timeout): import pika from pika import exceptions properties = pika.BasicProperties(headers=headers) try: connection_parameters.blocked_connection_timeout = disconnect_timeout with pika.BlockingConnection(connection_parameters) as connection: channel = channel.basic_publish(exchange=exchange, routing_key=routing_key, properties=properties, body=message) except exceptions.ConnectionClosed: warning('Failed to gracefully close rabbit connection.') @staticmethod def consume(connection_parameters, queue, disconnect_timeout): message = None import pika connection_parameters.blocked_connection_timeout = disconnect_timeout with pika.BlockingConnection(connection_parameters) as connection: channel = method_frame, header_frame, body = channel.basic_get(queue) if isinstance(body, (bytes, bytearray)): body = body.decode('utf-8') if method_frame: channel.basic_ack(method_frame.delivery_tag) message = try_get_object(body) return message def _get_connection_parameters(self, config): import pika amqpURL = 'amqp{}://{}:{}@{}/{}' sslOptions = config.get('sslOptions') parameters = pika.URLParameters( amqpURL.format('s' if sslOptions else '', config['username'], config['password'], config['server'], config['virtualhost'])) if sslOptions is not None: parameters.ssl_options = self._get_ssl_options(sslOptions) return parameters @staticmethod def _get_ssl_options(ssl_options): # PROTOCOL_TLSv1, PROTOCOL_TLSv1_1 or PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2 sslVersion = { 'PROTOCOL_TLSv1': ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1, 'PROTOCOL_TLSv1_1': ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_1, 'PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2': ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2 } # CERT_NONE, CERT_OPTIONAL or CERT_REQUIRED certReqs = { 'CERT_NONE': ssl.CERT_NONE, 'CERT_OPTIONAL': ssl.CERT_OPTIONAL, 'CERT_REQUIRED': ssl.CERT_REQUIRED, } import pika context = ssl.SSLContext(sslVersion.get(ssl_options.get('ssl_version'), ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2)) context.verify_mode = certReqs.get(ssl_options.get('cert_reqs'), 'CERT_NONE') context.keylog_filename = ssl_options.get('keyfile') if ssl_options.get('ca_certs') is not None: context.load_verify_locations(ssl_options.get('ca_certs'), None, None) if ssl_options.get('certfile') is not None: context.load_cert_chain(ssl_options.get('certfile')) return pika.SSLOptions(context=context)