Source code for

from catcher.steps.external_step import ExternalStep
from catcher.steps.step import Step, update_variables
from catcher.utils.logger import debug

[docs]class Marketo(ExternalStep): """ Allows you to read/write/delete leads in Adobe `Marketo <>`_ marketing automation tool. :Config: - munchkin_id: mailserver's host - client_id: mailserver's host. *Optional*. Default is 993. - client_secret: your username :read: read lead record from Marketo - conf: config object - fields: fields to retrieve - filter_key: field to use for filtering. *Optional*. Default is email. - filter_value: list or single value used in filtering :write: write lead record to Marketo - conf: config object - action: 'createOnly', 'updateOnly', 'createOrUpdate', 'createDuplicate' - lookupField: field to use as a key, for updating. *Optional*. Default is email. - leads: list of dicts to write to Marketo :delete: delete lead from Marketo - conf: config object - by: field name by which lead will be deleted - having: list or single value :Examples: Read lead by custom_id field :: marketo: read: conf: munchkin_id: '{{ marketo_munchkin_id }}' client_id: '{{ marketo_client_id }}' client_secret: '{{ marketo_client_secret }}' fields: ['id', 'email', 'custom_field_1'] filter_key: 'custom_id' filter_value: ['my_value_1', 'my_value_2'] register: {leads: '{{ OUTPUT }}'} Update leads in Marketo by custom_id :: marketo: write: conf: munchkin_id: '{{ marketo_munchkin_id }}' client_id: '{{ marketo_client_id }}' client_secret: '{{ marketo_client_secret }}' action: 'updateOnly' lookupField: 'custom_id' leads: - custom_id: 14 email: 'foo@bar.baz' custom_field_1: 'some value' - custom_id: 15 email: 'foo2@bar.baz' custom_field_1: 'some other value' Delete all leads with emails :: marketo: delete: conf: munchkin_id: '{{ marketo_munchkin_id }}' client_id: '{{ marketo_client_id }}' client_secret: '{{ marketo_client_secret }}' by: 'custom_id' having: ['my_value_1', 'my_value_2'] """ @update_variables def action(self, includes: dict, variables: dict) -> dict or tuple: body = self.simple_input(variables) method = Step.filter_predefined_keys(body) # read/write step = body[method] if method == 'read': return variables, self._read(step) elif method == 'write': return variables, self._write(step) elif method == 'delete': return variables, self._delete(step) else: raise AttributeError('unknown method: ' + method) def _read(self, step): config = step['conf'] from marketorestpython.client import MarketoClient mc = MarketoClient(config['munchkin_id'], config['client_id'], config['client_secret'], None, None) filter_values = self._get_field_as_list(step['filter_value']) fields = self._get_field_as_list(step['fields']) res = mc.execute(method='get_multiple_leads_by_filter_type', filterType=step.get('filter_key', 'email'), filterValues=[str(v) for v in filter_values], fields=fields, batchSize=None) debug('Found {}'.format(res)) return res def _write(self, step): config = step['conf'] from marketorestpython.client import MarketoClient mc = MarketoClient(config['munchkin_id'], config['client_id'], config['client_secret'], None, None) leads = self._get_field_as_list(step['leads']) res = mc.execute(method='create_update_leads', leads=leads, action=step['action'], lookupField=step.get('lookupField', 'email'), asyncProcessing='false', partitionName='Default') debug('Write result = {}'.format(res)) return res def _delete(self, step): config = step['conf'] from marketorestpython.client import MarketoClient mc = MarketoClient(config['munchkin_id'], config['client_id'], config['client_secret'], None, None) having = self._get_field_as_list(step['having']) found = mc.execute(method='get_multiple_leads_by_filter_type', filterType=step.get('by', 'email'), filterValues=[str(v) for v in having], fields=['id'], batchSize=None) debug('Found {}'.format(found)) res = mc.execute(method='delete_lead', id=[lead['id'] for lead in found]) debug(res) return res @staticmethod def _get_field_as_list(field): if not isinstance(field, list): return [field] return field